mardi 25 août 2015

How to root the Acer A3-A20

How to root the Acer A3-A20

Hi Folks,
here is a little guide how to root the Acer A3-A20.
Since there are no guides out there I finally got it to work.

  1. Download the kingo root for Windows or any other machine. (google it)

  2. Install kingo root and you machine.

  3. Connect your tablet to you computer.

  4. On the tablet activate developer mode (kango can show you how in case you don't know).

  5. Make sure that the usb driver are installed (in device manager).

  6. Start kango root and follow the instructions.

  7. Wait until the program finished and do not disconnect the cable.

  8. After the program is done root is enabled on the tablet.

  9. Now some small things. Install following programs from the play store. Kingo root, SuperSU, Rootchecker.

  10. Activate SuperSU.

  11. Check root with Rootchecker.

  12. Congratulations you now got sucessfully root enabled!

[Working by the 08/24/2015]

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