mardi 25 août 2015

[V7][5.8.20]MIUI for Micromax Canvas 4 A210

MIUI V7 for Micromax Canvas 4 A210 / MyPhone Agua Vortex / Wiko Stairway and other clones.

  • Android KitKat 4.4.2

  • Pure MIUI

  • MIUI V7 Additional Themes

  • Better Overall Performance

  • Better RAM Management

  • Better Settings

  • New Toggle Style

  • Quick Notification Blocking

  • New System Apps' Icons

  • Better Battery Life

  1. Download the ROM from Downloads Section

  2. Reboot to Recovery (make sure you have a backup)

  3. Wipe data / factory reset

  4. Wipe Cache

  5. Wipe dalvik

  6. Install ROM

  7. Reboot.

@chrmhoffmann for his kernel
Xiaomi for MIUI ROM

  • This is a China version of MIUI, expect some other bloatwares. If you want to remove it, please do.

  • As of now, there is no Global version. I'll update this once it's released.

  • There are some patches that are still not implemented in @chrmhoffmann's kernel. I'll update the kernel every time our base updates.

  • For more info about what's changed from V6 to V7, please see this thread.

  • Compass not working.

  • Report if you found any.

XDA:DevDB Information
MIUI V7 5.8.20 for Micromax Canvas 4 A210 and Clones, ROM for the Micromax Canvas 4 A210

zxczxcdani, chrmhoffmann
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: Stock ROM
Based On: MIUI

Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 5.8.20

Created 2015-08-25
Last Updated 2015-08-25

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