samedi 1 août 2015

How do I know if I should replace the battery of my htc ville?

I have a htc one S (since 2012) with cyanogenmod and after 13 hours and 1.5 (!) hours of screen time, my phone is done for.
I already have bought a second battery and watched some youtube video on how to replace.
Still I do not know if I really should take the risk. Am i chasing ghosts and shadows or do I have a good chance of improving the power circle of my device?
Some betterbatterystats which seem to be fine (software-side) as far as i can judge:


Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -86%(99% to 13%) [6.6%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4001-3167) [63.6%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 10 h 10 m 52 s 77.6%
Awake (): 2 h 56 m 22.4%
Screen On (): 1 h 26 m 30 s 11.0%
Phone On (): 17 s 0.0%
Wifi On (): 3 h 58 m 11 s 30.3%
Wifi Running (): 13 h 6 m 52 s 100.0%
No Data Connection (): 3 h 38 m 33 s 27.8%
No or Unknown Signal (): 3 h 38 m 33 s 27.8%
Moderate Signal (): 5 m 45 s 0.7%
Good Signal (): 8 h 12 m 62.5%
Screen dark (): 59 m 13 s 7.5%
Screen dimmed (): 11 s 0.0%
Screen medium (): 13 s 0.0%
Screen light (): 1 s 0.0%
Screen bright (): 26 m 51 s 3.4%

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