vendredi 31 juillet 2015

G2 Overheating - Fix for it? (D800)

I got a G2 from Ebay a few months ago (4 to be exact) and from then and now I've not done much but than install a few custom ROMs (2) and restore to KDZ (3). All that time I've been getting Overheating issues. I am almost 96% sure that it is not a frankenphone but I feel something is up with this phone.

When I first got it. I used the phone for a few weeks on stock (it was on Jellybean shipped). Then KDZ upgraded to KitKat (no sim, full wipe). Still nothing, no overheating.

Then I finally decided to get a ROM going. I rooted with TowelRoot and installed recovery with AutoRec. Then upgraded TWRP to support lollipop ROMs (Blastagator's Thermal TWRP).

Now after all of that I successfully installed my first ROM of choice - Blisspop. It ran like a dream. But this is where the overheating started.

I constantly got 40C+ and above. I did nothing about it. Got sick of it, and installed another ROM (Cloudy 2.2). Of course it installed successfully. Nothing wrong. Still overheated like mad.

Used Cloudy for a few weeks and finally decided to back everything up and restore via KDZ (back to KK). After that. Overheating still occured although it was a little better than I expected... I wondered what was going on. By then it was a month and the Ebay seller said I was Out of Luck. Now I decided to install Resurrection Remix 5.1. It seemed to fix some overheating issues but they were still severe-ish.

Decided to restore via KDZ again (KK again) still nothing. After that I installed everything I needed and installed a Stock Lollipop Stripped Down ROM, I've heard bad things about LG's Stock Lollipop (including overheating) so I'm not surprised that this thing is overheating in this state. I am now stuck here. Wondering what the hell I need to do to get this thing back to it's former glory.

Look at my location. I live in Nevada. I know that High Temps here aren't good for this phone and that might be the problem. But this phone is hardly used anywhere without AC (Car, Home, Job, Banks, Buildings, ect) and both are really cool compared to outside's 100+F/37C heat. So that can't be a factor.

I'm wondering if I can return this thing back to LG/AT&T if they still allow them to be repaired. My seller gave some info like S/N and original purchase date. But I'd rather not do that. Also, if I'm Out of Luck on warranty. How much would it cost to pay LG for it to be fixed? Just wondering. But I would rather fix it on my own that to wait a few weeks without a phone.

TL;DR: Bought phone, upgraded from JB to KK. Rooted and installed recovery, flashed a ROM. Overheated. KDZ'd back, overheated. more rom installing ect, ect. still overheating. Wondering what I need to do to restore this thing.

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