mardi 25 août 2015

Xperia Z Ultra does not install recovery

Greetings fellow XDA !

I'm With a very annoying problem and I need your help too !

I have a Sony Xperia Z Ultra C6843 with android 4.4.4 and it is not
running the micro USB , so I can not access the PC
install recovery . I could do root for kingroot , but tried several
forms install CWM recovery , TWRP , philz , but none works.
I also used the RASHR applications, TWRP installer and others, but
nothing worked. I tried to blink recovery.img the terminal emulator and
even looking like funionou not install recovery .

The bootloader of my ZU is blocked can not unlock it because
micro usb does not recognize the PC.

Does anyone have a solution? :crying:

Device data

Kernel version: 3.4.0 - perf - g0109737
BuildUser @ buildhost # 1
Thu Jun 12 14:20:25 2014

Baseband version: 8974 - AAAAANAZQ - 10270054-51

Version number: 14.4.A.0.108

Model: C6843

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